Introduction to Popular Culture Studies

Independent Media 2

Posted by jacobkaraglanis on April 17, 2017

So, for our blog post that is due tonight, we continue along the topic of the independent media and how those that produce independent media gain followers that help them spread their product without it having the resources that popular, and mainstream media have. I previously stated in my blog post the saying that states: four quarters are better than one hundred pennies.  I also stated how this seems to have been a common theme that I have noticed throughout our class assignments and our class discussions when it comes to how media spreads around and becomes a sticky or popular form of media. So the reason I am going back to that quarter saying from my last post, is because four quarters are equivalent in value to one hundred pennies, and they are great because there are ninety six less of them. So an independent media producer really strives for those valuable “quarter fans” that will constantly follow, like, and share all of the content that they produce. This is seen so frequently nowadays due to the incredible rise of social media and the ability for pretty much anybody to become famous. A huge market for this instant fame is on Soundcloud. A semi-free music app where somewhat underground artists release music. And if these music makers and producers can gain a loyal and rather sizable fanbase on this app, then those loyal fans are most likely to share their love for the artist on their social media, thus allowing it to stick. So overall, independent media is very reliant on loyalty and good fandom in order to stick.

One Response to “Independent Media 2”

  1. Drake Kizer said

    I think you made a lot of great points in this post, especially your return to the famed “four quarters” quote you have used in the past to describe the type of fans that independent media producers constantly struggle to attain. I also completely agree with your analysis that independent creators rely on a dedicated fan following that will constantly spread their content for them at essentially no cost to them. That is certainly a very risky business model, because it depends a lot on artists trusting their fans to continue following them, tweeting about them, and the like, which there is certainly no guarantee about in today’s media environment.

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