Introduction to Popular Culture Studies

Blog Post #21

Posted by chazyoung22 on November 6, 2017

Creating something in the media that will be successful is extremely difficult in today’s world. There are so many people that have the ability to create content. This relates to what we talked about in class. People are able to make a YouTube video of themselves singing. This allows them to potentially get recognized. While this seems like it would be easier than before social media where you had to hand out mixtapes, it may not be. Think about it, if everyone has the ability to put themselves out there, it makes it even harder to be discovered. It is like the quote from The Incredibles, which we also mentioned in class. “If everyone is super, no one will be.” This relates well to this idea.

With all that being said, it is possible to learn from the past in order to make something more likely to succeed. The new can learn from the old. Even things as simple as not being too predictable. If TV shows, or whatever you are creating becomes too predictable, it will not be as successful. I mean, nobody wants to watch a show that they can immediately tell what is going to happen at the end of it.

The past is something that we can definitely learn from, but it’s not just for the media. With the world becoming so media driven however, it may not be a bad idea from time to time to look back to the past and see if we can improve ourselves and the world.

5 Responses to “Blog Post #21”

  1. kaitpr said

    Again this reminds we of what we talked about in class that it is so great that so many people can create content and it is also so bad that so many people can create content. This is because like you said it makes there so much content that it is almost impossible to go throw.

  2. shelbythite said

    This reminds me of the quote from chapter 5, “post and pray”. With so many various audiences, creators must find a way to specialize in a certain product that will attract one group of people without eliminating other groups. That’s why creators must use the advantage they have of the internet to research what those audiences want and need.

  3. I agree. I think posting a video of their talent on YouTube is easier now to connect or find someone who has connections compared to how most older celebrities got their start.

    • Cody Mason said

      I often find myself searching youtube for how-to videos, rather than finding people with talents. Its crazy because I could probably make the same video they did, but they did it first so its hard to play catch up with views.

  4. willpope149 said

    A.) Thank you for mentioning the incredibles because that was the bomb and B.) I think it’s good that you brought up how it is understood that there exists a formula for which TV shows and movie plots to follow to keep consumers happy.

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