Introduction to Popular Culture Studies

Final Project

Posted by Georgia Nuckols on December 8, 2017


Marshall Fields and Georgia Nuckols

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Analysis of the Introduction

Posted by landonm12 on December 3, 2017

When starting a company, tv show, movie, or making your own product, you have to know how to get it circulated and distributed to the consumers.  You have to understand how different material circulates around different cultures, and the different groups in those cultures.  The consumers are the ones who decide to share media, you need to reach the consumer emotionally to try and get your media to spread.  The world keeps changing with social media, Netflix, etc.., the producers has to keep up to date with society if they want their media to spread.  The audience is what shapes the producers media, the producers have to understand that the audience is every thing when creating media, if the audience is on your side, the sky is the limit for the media you have created.


To have media spread you need to know  what the term “spreadability” means.   According the “Spreadable Media”, “spreadability” refers to the potential- both technical and cultural, for audiences to share content for their own purposes, sometimes with the permission of rights holders, sometimes against their wishes.  “Spreadability”, it is the resources that make it easier to circulate some kinds of content tan others.  Spreadability recognizes the importance of the social connections among individuals, connections increasingly made visible by social media platforms.  Spreadability emphasizes producing content in easy-to-share-formats.  Spreadability values the audience members to help generate interest in particular brands.  For media to spread you need to know spreadability and how it works, you have to make your media easy to spread, and you need to know what resources to use to make your media easy to spread.

 When you are talking about the audience engagement, you are talking about the “stickiness” of the media.  Stickiness describes the aspects of media texts which engender deep audience engagement and might motivate them to share what they learned with others.  Stickiness in the business swtting refers to centralizing the audience’s presence in a particular online location to generate advertising revenue or sales, stickiness is the mechanisms motivation people to seek out and spend time on a particular site.  Companies hope to achieve stickiness by placing material in an easily measured location and assessing how many people view it.  With the stickiness model, you gain economic value by offering merchandise through some kind of e-commerce catalog.  For your media to get a lot of audience engagement, the media needs to have a lot of “stickiness”, you have to have a specific location for your audience to come to, so they can talk about the media, and help circulate it through products, or by sharing stuff off that centralized location.


When you are talking about the audience engagement, you are talking about the “stickiness” of the media.  Stickiness describes the aspects of media texts which engender deep audience engagement and might motivate them to share what they learned with others.  Stickiness in the business swtting refers to centralizing the audience’s presence in a particular online location to generate advertising revenue or sales, stickiness is the mechanisms motivation people to seek out and spend time on a particular site.  Companies hope to achieve stickiness by placing material in an easily measured location and assessing how many people view it.  With the stickiness model, you gain economic value by offering merchandise through some kind of e-commerce catalog.  For your media to get a lot of audience engagement, the media needs to have a lot of “stickiness”, you have to have a specific location for your audience to come to, so they can talk about the media, and help circulate it through products, or by sharing stuff off that centralized location.

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Blog post #11

Posted by connerjblack on November 27, 2017

Producers need the audience, and the audience needs the producer to get the things they want. Producers need to listen to the audience so they know what they are doing and how much they can do without the audience disapproving of it. This is how it works. Producers need the audiences mkney so they bacially have to listen to the audience. If they don’t this can lead to lost of money, and them taking that careers as a producer. So they really do have to keep their ears open to the words of the public.

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Blog post #9

Posted by connerjblack on November 27, 2017

Public relations is arguably the most important job a company had, since it concerns with dealing with the people they are selling too. This concerns how people view them, how people will think of the products they are selling. They basically make sure that the company isn’t going to sell or do anything that will tarnish its relationship with the general public. This is extremely important since they rely on the public for all their success, without the public favor 9/10 companies will fail. With today’s society since the public has a lot to do with the success and spread of a companies products like free advertising. So without the public with the rise of this new age of social media a company won’t go very far.

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Extra Credit Thanksgiving

Posted by willpope149 on November 27, 2017

For Thanksgiving break I went to North Carolina in the Smoky Mountains. I went to a little place called Bakersville and it was really interesting. The scenery there was breathtaking, the air was crisp, and the cabin I got to stay in was based off of the side of the mountain overlooking a little pond. From the cabin window and patio I was able to see the sun gleam off of the other side of the Appalachian mountain range. One of the famous people who also happened to be from North Carolina was actually Jeff Hardy from Cameron North Carolina. It was a smaller town sort of similar to the place I was staying and also happened to be closer toward the center. Jeff Hardy is one of the better known and top wrestlers from the WWE with his iconic black and green body suit. Interestingly Hardy also has a music career. He plays alternative rock/metal and acoustic. For a period of time spanning a few years, he moved back and forth between TNA/ Impact wrestling and WWE. Currently however at WrestleMania 33 he made a surprise appearance to show up for his return to WWE. He’s also been in a few magazines and television shows. Jeff Hardy seems like an interesting person with a long list of jobs and careers on his rap sheet. Many of his accomplishments are in the realm of wrestling, and it seems that as he continues to grow older, it’s likely thats where he’ll retire.

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Blog post #8

Posted by connerjblack on November 27, 2017

Is violence in pot wrestling a concern even if it’s fake? I personally do not think so, as long as the kids know it’s fictional. In my mind it’s like video games I don’t believe they can lead to violent actions because the knowledge and understanding of it being not real. Knowing it’s fictions, most kids if raised with any send can distinguish between fictional and real. I can understand the problem if the kids truly believed wrestling was real, but even then as long as the parents let them understand that they can’t recreate the actions I feel like most kids would listen. So in my personal opinion I do not believe that wrestling can make kids violent, or we should worry about it causing violent actions.

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Thanksgiving Extra Credit

Posted by vscodey on November 27, 2017

As Thanksgiving approached quickly this year, the ever-growing population of Bowling Green Kentucky celebrates it in many ways but there is one way that sticks out the most in my eyes. What is Bowling Green the home of you might ask, why Dunkin Hines of course? But that is not what I am leaning towards this holiday season. As a new year approaches this popular city, a new beast has been unleashed to ravage the town. Being home of the Corvette is what this town has going for it. Being a car guy I try to stay on top of what is trending in the car market and Chevrolet introduced the beast from the south this late November. The Chevrolet Corvette zr1 was revealed to the world around Thanksgiving and having an insane reputation to keep up with I am pretty sure it demolished the expectations and the wow factor was off the charts. Being the home of the Corvette, the new models can be seen lurking around town on these cool fall nights, with employees putting down volunteer test miles as they approach production time these new models have to be nothing but exceptional. General Motors must keep the reputation and only excel from year to year meeting and surpass standards and the new norms set by its competition. With the Corvette being a pop culture icon and me being a supreme car guy, I had to give this home of the little red Corvette a shout out as they keep improving our daily lives along with the surrounding community.

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Blog 13

Posted by Cody Mason on November 27, 2017

Secondhand clothing plays a huge part in my daily life. Being a broke college kid, with a daughter, it is hard for me to afford new clothing for her because she is growing up so fast :sad face:. The ability to purchase clothes secondhand and even get hand me downs from friends and family with babies has been a giant help. Its crazy because a baby outfit that uses 1/10t the amount of material cost just as much as one of my outfits when bought new. So without secondhand clothing I doubt I would be in the place I am in today. On the contrary, when hipsters are at the forefront of fashion trends, they are often older trends coming back into style, but a company can’t just mass produce clothing for hipsters because not everyone would want to buy it. Im gonna use the example of high waisted jeans for females. A couple years ago, I don’t know of any female who would hoist up a pair of these hideous pants. Last year and this summer, you couldn’t walk a block uptown without seeing pants pulled up past their bellybuttons. Im not sure what sparked the interest for this trend, but those at the forefront HAD to wear secondhand jeans because no one was producing new high waisted jeans yet (The trend was hot in the 90s). Without these secondhand jeans, girls couldn’t be at the front of the trend. The same goes for a number of other fashion trends.

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Blog post 13

Posted by Georgia Nuckols on November 27, 2017

Did you know that clothing can be classified as spreadable media? I certainly didn’t before now. I know that there is a whole market for second hand clothing that exists nowadays. There are apps that make it easy to buy and sell second hand clothing. I am a part of Facebook groups that are places for sorority girls to buy and sell old t-shirts and different things along those lines. The swapping of clothing has been happening for hundreds of years, just in today’s world it has become more easily accessible and more publicized. There are shops in almost every town dedicated to second hand clothing. I know people who love to go to places like Goodwill to see if they can find some article of clothing that might at one point have cost hundreds of dollars and is now being sold for ten. This is a market that has come about because of clothings spreadability.

 People are always going to need clothing and while clothing trends seem to change every month, trends from the past have started to make a resurgence. With the help of a more commercialized world, the ability of clothes from different generations have managed to make it again in today’s world. Clothes are easily moved so this is why its spreadability is so great, “clothing’s portability grants it a history of embodiment and transmutation, moving among bodies, cultures, nations, and economies”. Every article of second hand clothing comes with a tale behind it.

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Blog post #28

Posted by connerjblack on November 27, 2017

You can get a lot of information that isn’t right in the internet today. Information that may be from years ago, or just plain wrong. This is a popular thing on face book, with click bait articles that aren’t 100% true and will exaggerate things to make them more appealing to click on. This helps the spread of false media, since the people who have read those articles will tell people around them about. And most people don’t just go home and research everything they are told from the people around them, so they will just assume that they are saying the truth. It’s not really lying just an Ignorance on the matter. This can be helped by realizing what you click on may not always be true, and looking at other sources to make sure what they tell you is true.

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